Website Security 101 – The Really Easy Stuff with Sean Rhone

Join the Enterprise Developers Guild and me on Tuesday, January 23rd, at 6:00 PM in the Redwood Conference Room (formerly named MPR or the Multi-Purpose Room) of the Microsoft Charlotte Office. Web developers know security is crucial, but the topic of security is not fun or exciting and can be daunting to understand. The issues discussed in this presentation are critical to protecting all websites. The topics covered will be explained and demonstrated in an easy to follow format that will be simple to implement when you get back to your office.

The meeting presenter is Sean Rhone.

Sean Rhone has over 20 years of IT experience and has been developing applications using the Microsoft stack since Visual Basic 4.0. He has worked in small start-ups as well as Fortune 1000 companies and has, in one way or another, been around the healthcare field for most of his adult life.

The meeting sponsor is Signature Consultants.

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